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Our Work - What We Do

Run N Go Bags

Meeting the need for 'self-care'. Our organization transforms new and gently used handbags into 'Run N Go' bags that are filled with personal hygiene and beauty items. The handbags and the items that we fill the handbags with are donated items we receive from various individuals, organizations, and companies. Our 'Run N Go' bags are just one aspect of our mission.

Support Groups and Workshops

Am I My Sister's Keeper... For I Am My Sister is our support group forum where the women who have been abused are able to come together and support each other in group sessions and group workshops.

Relocation Assistance

We are dedicated to supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence and their housing needs.  Through a partnership with another local nonprofit, I’m Bruised But Not Broken, Inc. provides housing relocation assistance by locating available housing that is within the income, credit, and employment requirements of the owner, and desired monthly rental amount and amenities of the applicant.


Face Forward

The Face Forward workshop focuses on self-esteem building by providing attendees with a five-piece makeup kit and a note of encouragement or inspiration. Each attendee will receive an individual makeup session as well as participate in a group discussion/sharing session to discuss how domestic violence has affected their self-esteem. The facilitator will provide resources to each attendee to address improving their self-esteem.

Next Level

The Next Level workshop focuses on job hunting skills as well as resume writing skills. Attendees are provided with job-seeking information packets and resources to assist them with their employment-seeking process. Each attendee will have a ten-minute one-on-one session with a human resource professional to review resumes and provide career coaching or employment-seeking guidance.

Healthy Relationships = Happy Lives

Healthy relationships are an important part of life for every individual and healthy relationships = happy lives focus on how to create healthy relationships with everyone and the importance of having healthy relationships. Discussion and a share session of what unhealthy relationships look like and the impact they can have on an individual, family members, or others around us. This program is facilitated by a certified life coach or counselor as well as a program specialist.

Dollars and Sense

Through a collaboration with another local non-profit, the Dollars and Sense workshop focuses on money management, finances, personal budgets and saving. Each attendee is provided with information packets that consist of developing a personal budget (template), money management techniques, how to open a bank account, how to balance your checking account, etc.

Credit Smart

Credit Smart is a certified curriculum through Freddie Mac that provides attendees with information and knowledge about personal credit and debt. Attendees are provided with the program modules and resources in order to complete the workshop and each attendee is provided with a certificate of completion. This program is facilitated by a Credit Smart Certified Counselor.

Putting an end to domestic violence and domestic abuse. I'm Bruised But Not Broken, Inc. welcomes you to contact us. I'm Bruised But Not Broken is 501(c)3 non-profit that provides resources, support, and advocacy for victims and survivors of domestic violence. · 240.245.0057

P.O. Box 1762, Bowie, Maryland, 20717-1762

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